Posts Tagged ‘sewing’

March 2023

April 5, 2023

What I made this month. A lot of rain meant there wasn’t much chance to chalk our walkway, but I did get something down for daughter’s birthday late in the month. And I crocheted a bunch, including a cropped short-sleeve sweater for myself from leftover wool gifted by a local knitter friend. I also sewed some trousers, based on a pattern in a Japanese sewing book, using random cottons, including parts of two bedsheets, and part of a blouse.

Also in March, I was “celebrated” by Wikimedia Foundation, which was fun.

2020 Clothing Projects

December 31, 2020

In 2020, I made a lot of clothes for myself (and some for my kids, mostly PJ pants). Late in 2019, at Sewing Rebellion meetings at the North Redondo library, I started learning to use really basic, flexible patterns from 100 Acts of Sewing (#dressno1, #pantsno1, and #dressno3, if you’re curious). This was fortunate preparation for a year of minimal shopping and sewing as entertainment. I made three outfits (fifteen wearable items, sewn, crocheted, etc.) for the Fun-A-Day-LA show in Long Beach last January; that was also a useful push into making and wearing whatever entertained me with whatever was lurking around my house. So there are clothes here made from old yardage, felted sweaters, curtains, and bedsheets. And the scraps from most of these became masks, because… 2020. I’ve been really grateful to have some of these comfortable clothes (especially the pajama pants) in this year of enforced couch time.

Top row, left to right: a crocheted lacy scarf, bloomers made from bedsheets, flannel pajama pants; middle row, left, three outfits for Fun-A-Day LA show; middle right, four outfits made for #100actsofsewingjuly20 on Instagram; Bottom row, left to right: a yellow cotton tunic set with matching hat and mask; two pairs of pajama pants for son; a crocheted “backpack sweatervest” (turns round to fit over a backpack).


July 24, 2008

Sheert, originally uploaded by pennylrichardsca.

A sheert? Yeah, a shirt made from a sheet, or in this case, remnants of two vintage sheets. This is made with the Simplicity New Look pattern 6809, which I’ll definitely use again–it was simple, it fits, it was forgiving of my carelessness, and it’s a good shape for lightweight sheet fabric. And now I’ve made something with sleeves!

These sheet pieces were acquired in Lisa C.’s summer skirt sheet swap–thanks for the fun sheets! (yes, those are flamingos and palm trees)

Frankenblouse #1

July 12, 2008

Frankenblouse #1, originally uploaded by pennylrichardsca.

One of my reasons for learning to sew is that I have a closet full of thrifted clothes that don’t fit me, but that I like for some reason, and want to wear somehow. So I’m putting together the best parts of two blouses to make one–thus, “Franken-blouse.” This is the result of my first attempt–and I’m pretty happy with it!

The solid peachy-pink blouse I used in its entirety–just slit it down the front. Then I attached much of the front of a second blouse, and reused the sleeve trim from the second blouse too. No extra trim or fabric required–and now two garments that were only taking up closet space are replaced with one garment that will actually see some wear. Yeah!

(Project also posted to Wardrobe Refashion.)

Learning to sew and doing women’s history

May 31, 2008

Sheet-swap tiered skirt, originally uploaded by pennylrichardsca.

I’ve been trying to learn to sew clothes lately–nothing complicated–the skirt above is my first attempt at a tiered skirt, for example. It’s not great work, but it’s wearable. In doing this, I’m realizing that maybe it’s a good idea for someone who does women’s history to know a little about the work of constructing clothes, among other basic knowledge we could bring to our studies, but don’t always.

Most of my projects have involved women who created things, not as artists, but as an expected part of their domestic lives. The antebellum North Carolina women in my dissertation often mentioned spending the week cutting out the next season’s clothes, and sent each other patterns and sketches. Mary Austin was proud of her cooking skills, enough that she gladly gave her enchiladas recipe to a women’s magazine in the 1920s, and her cookbook (among her papers at the Huntington) is still powerfully scented with vanilla. Opening that box is like walking into a bakery–the whole reading room turned to see who brought a fresh cake into the room. (When she was pregnant, she paid her rent by baking pies for the boardinghouse.) Celia Thaxter was famous for her garden, which somehow thrived even on the rocky island where she lived. Marion Brown in my current work was a prodigious knitter (according to her letters), and a dressmaker (or so they told the census).

So, by learning to do needlework or sew or cook or garden, maybe we can better grasp what rhythms and pains and talents their work involved, as physical, sensory, intellectual acts? Yeah, I think so. Maybe even pick up on some subtle references and metaphors in their writing. Learning to sew to understand a past seamstress a little better is like learning a language or an industrial process or a set of laws or other elements of her everyday life–except that learning a language is something you can put on your CV, and learning to sew, well…. not so much.