Archive for April, 2009

April 27: 250th Birthday of Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

April 27, 2009
Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary Wollstonecraft

It’s my birthday too, but not a milestone like the 250th.

“How many women thus waste life away, the prey of discontent, who might have practised as physicians, regulated a farm, managed a shop, and stood erect, supported by their own industry, instead of hanging their heads surcharged with the dew of sensibility, that consumes the beauty to which it at first gave lustre.”

Mary WollstonecraftA Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792)

Quote for a birthday weekend

April 25, 2009

From a recent book group read:

“The most terrifying words you could hear in our house came out of Anouk’s mouth when you had a birthday coming up. ‘I’m making you something,’ she’d say, and no smile was wide enough to conceal the oceans of dread bubbling beneath.”
–Steven Toltz, A Fraction of the Whole (p. 367)

My Etsy shop is now open

April 16, 2009

The purses I’ve been making?  Now you can buy them.  I’ll probably add other non-purse items to the store as my whims dictate.

Recent projects, April

April 16, 2009

Recent projects, April, originally uploaded by pennylrichardsca.

Another month gone by, and more of the same–a few sewing projects, a loaf of bread, some crochet, some altered purses…. the last image is of docent projects from the Hands on Art lesson this month (only five of the clay desserts in the photo are made by me).

Don’t tempt me

April 6, 2009

No really…. even if you send me something as small as a button–if it’s a cool Polka Dot Creations button–I’m going to have to make a purse based on it.  The brown purse is from a thriftshop, great leather, clean inside (except there was a sample vial of perfume in one of the pockets). Before:

Brown purse, BEFORE

Brown purse, BEFORE



The button is attached with thread, after I got Peter to drill holes in the leather.  There’s a lot of gesso, acrylic paints, sharpies, modpodge, krylon.  (See my altered purse tutorial here.) And that button.