Archive for April, 2011

Holy Blackside Hawkfish!

April 18, 2011
Chalk Blackside Hawkfish, originally uploaded by pennylrichardsca.

We were chalking at the Redondo Beach seawall this weekend, near Polly’s on the Pier, part of the Earth Month festivities an also a preview for the Chalk It Up event in two weeks. The Seawall is an amazing site for chalking! My shoulders and knees aren’t wrecked, nobody walked on the art in progress, and the surfaces are really smooth. There are 133 identical panels like this, lined up along the rocks, right on the ocean. We saw so many boats and pelicans, and even a sea lion swimming past. Parking and restaurants right nearby. Someone really needs to organize chalk events there more often.

Surreal Seascape

Surreal Seascape