Archive for January, 2019

What I read in 2018

January 1, 2019

Reading with ramen in 2018.

Past editions of this list: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008. This list is also available in pictorial format at Pinterest.

It was a good year for reading here! Twenty-eight books finished. I’m a slow reader who likes long books; and this year my time for leisure reading continued to be limited by  carework responsibilities. Also, I stop reading books without guilt; so assume I also didn’t finish a dozen or so titles.

BG=Book Group selection. I’m in two book groups, so a lot of my reading is driven by that. Just because I read a book and listed it here doesn’t mean I liked it or would recommend it.  20/28 authors are female or non-binary this year; there was a long stretch over the summer when I didn’t want to read any more books by white guys, and I’m still not that interested, to be honest. The only even vaguely non-fiction books here are Lawson’s memoir and Satrapi’s graphic novel. I probably started a lot of others; just strongly preferring fiction right now.

These are numbered in chronological order, from January to December.

1. Michel Faber, The Book of Strange New Things
2. Naomi Alderman, The Power
3. Jenny Lawson, Furiously Happy
4. Jac Jemc, The Grip of It
5. Haruki Murakami, Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki and his Years of Pilgrimage
6. Richard Kadrey, The Everything Box
7. Sarah Perry, The Essex Serpent BG
8. Patricia Park, Re Jane
9. Emily Fridlund, The History of Wolves BG
10. John Scalzi, Head On
11. Sylvain Neuvel, Waking Gods
12. Jennifer McMahan, Winter People
13. Marjane Satrapi, Embroideries
14. Meg Rosoff, How I Live Now
15. Zinzi Clemmons, What We Lose BG
16. Yxta Maya Murray, The Conquest
17. Charlie Jane Anders, All The Birds in the Sky
18.Idra Novey, Ways to Disappear
19. Rivers Solomon, An Unkindness of Ghosts
20. Ben H. Winters, The Last Policeman
21. Andrew Sean Greer, Less BG
22. Warren Ellis, Normal
23. Emma Healey, Elizabeth is Missing BG
24. Connie Willis, Belwether
25. Lauren Beukes, Zoo City
26. Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad
27. Chloe Benjamin, The Anatomy of Dreams
28. Ruta Sepetys, Salt to the Sea BG